Adnan Fiaz
Question: Are there any useRs in Birmingham?
Data souce: Twitter (#rstats)
library(rtweet) # for more information
# get all tweets that mention #rstats
usrs <- search_tweets("#rstats", n = 18000) %>%
# extract user data from the tweets
users_data() %>%
select(user_id, location) %>%
# drop users with no location
filter(location != "") %>%
# join together with the following (not everyone tweets)
# get user data from users that mention #rstats in their profile
search_users("#rstats", n=1000) %>%
select(user_id, location) %>%
filter(location != "")
) %>%
# drop duplicates
user_id | location |
636864273 | München, Bayern |
107600670 | Philadelphia |
2181077592 | New York, NY |
507582860 | St. Louis, MO |
2176483988 | New York, USA |
40699859 | Saint John, New Brunswick |
To enable visualisation we need more than the location, we need coordinates.
library(ggmap) # for more info
# register a google api key to overcome quota limit
# get the longitude/latitude
usrs <- usrs %>%
# limiting to the first 1500 users to not use up the quota
slice(1:1500) %>%
mutate_geocode(location) %>%
# drop failed requests
qmplot(x=lon, y=lat, data=usrs, maptype="toner-lite", color = I("blue"), extent="device")
Question: where can I hold a meetup?
Data source: Google Maps / Places
library(googleway) # for more info
# search for places within a radius of a location
center_of_birmingham <- c(52.483056,-1.893611)
function_rooms <- google_places(location = center_of_birmingham,
keyword = "function room", radius = 5000,
key = google_api_key)
name | lat | lng |
Rai Function Hall | 52.50090 | -1.932395 |
Vauxhall Sports & Social Club/ function room hire | 52.48688 | -1.877048 |
Sapphire Conference & Banqueting Suite | 52.47202 | -1.881626 |
Elegance Suite (Birmingham) | 52.49164 | -1.871361 |
Kashmiri Dera Family Hall & Function Room | 52.51670 | -1.856179 |
Diamonds Function Centre | 52.48968 | -1.906345 |
Diamonds Function Centre | 52.48126 | -1.893614 |
Yenton Assembly Rooms Ltd | 52.51927 | -1.847201 |
Emerald Club | 52.47333 | -1.856447 |
Gti Function Room | 52.50206 | -1.926524 |
Saint Mary and St John’s Bar and Function Room | 52.51634 | -1.848177 |
Question: Are there any good transport links near the venues?
Data Source: Google Maps
train_stations <- google_places(location = center_of_birmingham,
place_type = "train_station", radius = 5000,
key = google_api_key) %>%
parse_result() %>%
get_distances <- function(origins, destinations){
# query the Maps Distance API
dis <- google_distance(origins, destinations, key = google_api_key, mode="walking")
# check if the query returns any results
if("distance" %in% names(dis$rows$elements[[1]])){
# for each option, calculate the distance to all transport links
result <- map2(options$lat, options$lng,
~ get_distances(c(.x, .y), transport[, c("lat", "lng")])) %>%
# rbind all the vectors, .) %>%
# convert to data.frame %>%
# add the name of each option
cbind("name"=options$name) %>%
# transpose the data.frame to get one [option, transport, distance] combo
gather(key="transport", value="distance", -name) %>%
filter(!, distance < 500) %>%
count(name) %>%
top_n(3, wt=n)
name | n |
Birmingham School of Media | 1 |
Diamonds Function Centre | 1 |
The Button Factory | 1 |
The Shakespeare | 2 |
Total Pub Solutions Ltd | 1 |
Unique Within The University of Birmingham | 1 |